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Telah Kau Ampuni Dosaku

Do=C | Cipt. Pdt. Dr. Erastus Sabdono 
Genre      : Pop Ballad
Partitur    :    
Chord      : Telah Kau Ampuni Dosaku
Referensi Telah Kau Ampuni Dosaku (Live) – Rehobot Music

Telah Kau ampuni dosaku
Kau hapus semua salahku
Walaupun banyak cacat dan celaku
Engkau menerimaku

Tuhan melupakan dosaku
Tak Kau ingat kesalahanku
Sudah Kau tebus dengan darah kudus
Tuhanku Yesus

Sejauh timur dari barat
Kau jauhkan pelanggaranku
Setinggi langit di atas bumi
Demikian besar kasih setia-Mu

Atas orang-orang yang takut akan Tuhan
Dalam kekudusan
Seperti bapa sayang anak-anaknya
Kau sayang padaku

You have forgiven my sins
You have wiped away all my wrongs
Though many faults I have
You embrace me

How You have forgotten my sins
You don’t recall on my mistakes
Redeeming me with Your blood
My Lord Jesus

As far as the east is from the west
You cast away my transgressions
As the heaven is high above the earth
So great is His steadfast love

For those who fear the Lord
And live in holiness
Like a father cares for his children
How You cherish and love me, Lord