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Saya Mau Iring Yesus

Do=E | Cipt. Pdt. Dr. Erastus Sabdono 
Genre      : Pop Ballad
Partitur    : Saya Mau Iring Yesus.xlsx – Sheet1.pdf
Chord      : Saya Mau Iring Yesus.pdf
Referensi : Saya Mau Iring Yesus (Live) – Rehobot Music

Saya mau iring Yesus sepanjang hariku
Walau berat dan sukar jalan-Mu
Hidup yang Kau jalani, menyukakan hati Bapa
Rinduku menghidupinya

Tuhan ajarku setia, seperti diri-Mu
Taat Bapa sampai di salib-Mu
Selama di dunia, lakukan kehendak Bapa
Menyelesaikan rencana Bapa

Tuhan kumemilih-Mu, mengikut jejak-Mu
Menjadi kesukaan Bapa
Berjumpa Tuhan nanti, muka dengan muka
Kepada-Mu ‘ku tetap setia

I am willing to follow Jesus all the days of my lif
Even when Your path was hard and burdensome
Yet You lived a life that pleases the Father’s heart
It is my desire to live like You did

Lord teach me to be faithful just like You
To be obedient to the Father till the Cross
To do the Father’s will during Your time on earth
To finish the plans He has for You

Lord I have chosen to follow your paths
To become the Father’s delight
One day when I see You face to face
You will find me remain faithful