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Biarkanku Bersama-Mu

Do=G| Cipt. Rehobot Music
Genre      : Pop Funk
Partitur    : Biarkanku Bersama-Mu – Rehobot Music.pdf
Chord      : Biarkanku Bersama-Mu.pdf
Referensi Biarkanku Bersama-Mu (Live) – Rehobot Music

Allah Bapaku setia
Tak sedetik pun
Kau pernah meninggalkanku
Allah Bapaku setia
S’gala yang dibuat-Nya demi kebaikanku

Pre chorus :
Tak pernah ‘ku temukan
Kasih seperti-Mu

Tak pernah ‘ku bayangkan
Hidupku tanpa diri-Mu

Biarkanku disamping-Mu
Setiap waktu melayani hati-Mu
Biarkanku bersama-Mu
Mengiring-Mu seumur hidupku
Dan biarku habiskan hariku
Dalam tuntunan-Mu 

My God, a faithful father
He never forsakes me, not for one second
My God, a faithful father
He has made all things well for my sake

Pre Chorus :
I will never find a love like Yours
I could not imagine a life without You

Allow me to be by Your side, serving Your heart
Allow me to be with You, walking in Your steps all my life
Allow me to end this life in Your guidance at all times